Friday, 17 February 2017

NDM: Weekly News Article - W/C 20th February (47)

You don't have to act like a newspaper on the net 

A preview of the Washington Post’s new news site, The Lily. Photograph: Washington Post


The New York Times is like the BBC for print journalism. It is dominant, revered, imperious and sometimes soaked in irritating self-congratulation. Aside from this, though The New York Times is extremely observant with the problems faced of moving print to digital screen. However, if The Times can succeed so can everyone else and if they do not succeed then the rest of us can cry with them because we won't have either as everyone will be following a similar strategy. This makes The New York Times latest health check in from an officially appointed team of journalists seem extremely important. Newspapers are digitalizing themselves and getting high subscriber numbers but this success is not enough anymore. Transitions never seem to go well as they are either too fast or too slow for everyone. But all we need to do is get used to the fact that there is no more printed material which we would get fresh every morning. Instead, there is the same material but just on a screen instead. Only, the difference is the screen changes every minute whereas the printed stuff once written and sent to the printers it is set in stone it cannot be changed.  

Key Statistics
  • 1.5m digital-only subscriptions 
  • Digital subscriptions up from 1m a year ago and zero six years ago
  • 1m print subscriptions 
  • Digital media is a 24 hours buffet
  • Times current features strategy dates to the creations of new sections in the 1970's  
My Opinion

Overall, I agree with this article that we need to reduce the dominant role that newspapers play in our organizations in order to get used to the net properly. However, I understand why we have been unable to do this and it is because the transition between printed newspapers and digital news has happened so quickly that we have barely had the chance to blink and get used it. So, we are all trying to hang on to the tiny shreds of what we know that are left. Newspaper companies need to remember one thing though just because they have high subscriber numbers does not mean much. 

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