- How politicians use Twitter? - Donald Trump (has taken advantage of Twitter to create hysteria. "Twitter is basically used by politicians to influence other influencers".
- Euromaidan - Social movement happening in Ukraine: Protesters are fighting for their human rights, democracy and freedom after a treaty between the European Union and Ukraine was not signed.
- Malcolm Gladwell - Social media is an effective tool to use for activism
- Statistics - Twitter has over 15 million active users in the UK
- 65% of these users are under the age of 34 years old
- Theory - Two Step Flow: Audiences are influenced by opinion leaders; in the case of Twitter those who have some sort of power or popularity on the platform. (Most followed users top 4 = Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Barack Obama & Taylor Swift)
My Opinion: The Twitter platform has dramatically changed over the past few years as a result of NDM. Before it was simply a communication platform allowing us to express our views in the 140 character word limit. But now as technology has further developed it has helped many of us in other ways. Namely, Twitter has changed the way we consume news and what news we choose to consume. (6th Jan 2016 - tweet live streaming people crossing a puddle was heavily engaged with and this didn't come from a traditional news source) As well as this many have said that Twitter has helped them to get jobs.
My Opinion: I think that NDM hasn't impacted gaming to heavily yet; physical copies of games still seem to be going strong which is where the real danger of industries survival against NDM has come in because if physical copies aren't sold thousands of people's loose job's and many companies will go bust. However, NDM has arguably had a effect on the gaming industry quite heavily because many companies have taken a hit when they have been blamed for violence in the real world, as it was reported that what people learnt in the games they took to the real world but this for the most part has been proved wrong for most cases.
Abayomi - Spotify
- What is streaming? - A way to deliver music without the need to download it
- Spotify main audience - Millenials/Generation Z
- Theory - Pareto's Law: Top artists are the most listened too
- Other streaming platforms - Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon Music & TIDAL
- About Spotify - Launched in 2008
- Operates in over 20 locations
- Users - June 2016 = 100m
- Distribution of active users = 13 - 18 yrs = 21% & 18-24 yrs = 26%
- Control = Increased (Independant Artists offered exclusive deals)
- Ownership = Remains (62% of music sold comes from SME, WMG, UMG as of 2016)
- Physical Performance = CD + DVD revenues fell by £8.7m
- Digital revenues grew by £12.8m
My Opinion = As I briefly mentioned in my PPT streaming services have already sky rocketed in their popularity and are going to continue to grow with the developments of technology so I am not surprised at the statistics Abayomi presented in his PPT as they only reinforce my point of streaming services taking over physical outlets like cinemas, CD stores etc.
Amrit - Instagram
- Aim: To share images in a easier way
- Positive - Integrate with one another more
- Negative - Online bullying
- Main Audience - 18-29 year olds
- Main Rival - Instagram
- Statistic - 600 million monthly users (ahead of Twitter)
- About - Owned by Facebook
- Americanization - A heavy American culture is passed across to us through Instagram
My Opinion: Just like all the social media platforms out there Instagram already has and is developing a stronger web influence. So many of us turn to social media platforms to govern the way we live our life we are constructing a identity of who we want to be through social media like Instagram. For example, you might follow Kim Kardashian and construct a identity that makes you want to look like her.
Sunny - NDM on democracy
- Meme war engaging young people
- Pluralistic viewpoint - Alot more views (More democratic)
- Issues - Russian Hacking, Fake News, Cambridge Analytica
- Future of politics - Uncertain: Young people use politics to recreate democracy
- Social media impact - Narrative VS facts focus (Is it what sells - NARRATIVE) or (Telling the truth of the event - FACTS)
My Opinion - NDM has had both positive and negative effects on democracy. Negatively, speaking the fake news stories of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump threatened to derail their campaigns respectively sometimes with some of the stories that were stirred up. However, on the positive side NDM has allowed politicians to see that their campaigns reach a wider audience. But politics has also helped the development of the social media networks, namely Twitter which became a more heavily used platform when President Trump took over the POTUS (President of the United States) account as people used the platform to keep up with all his changes particularly during his first 100 days in office.
Callum - Activision (Blizzard)
- 2007 Activision merged with Vivendi
- Started 37 years ago
- Well known game titles - Call of Duty, Guitar Hero
- $118.6 billion forecast
- Headquarters - Santa Monica California
- 31m people in the UK play games
- Associations with real life events - Adam Lanza: Sandy Hook Killings
Katie - Documentaries
- NDM drives funding
- Documentaries were originally created with cinema viewing in mind not TV
- Marxism - changes in distribution due to accessibility
- Online consumption is more cost effective
- To target the larger audience the facts are often left out
- UGC - Easier to identify with the audience
- Documentaries are a lot more global
- Still large focus on giving the US view
- Todorov = The disequilibrium is constantly manipulated to appeal to the audience.
- Other documentary examples = Thin Blue Line
- NDM has changed traditional documentary but hasn't yet killed it off
My Opinion: NDM has had a heavy impact on documentaries from consumption through to the way they are marketed but as Katie said traditional documentaries haven't yet been killed off.
Khadijah - Netflix
- World's leading TV network
- 93.8m subscribers
- 2017 = $6 billion estimated spend on original content
- Audience - C1,C2,D,E
- A lot of Americanisation within the content
- Theory - Rokeach + Defleur
My Opinion - As I have said further up streaming services are growing and not planning on stopping anytime soon. They have had a massive impact on traditional means of entertainment such as the cinema.
John - Apple Streaming
- Cost - $9.99 per month
- Available in more than 100 countries
- 11% of iOs users currently using Apple Music
- 9 million Apple Music US subscribers
- Midia Blog - Spotify ended year with 40m subscribers
My Opinion - This is just another streaming device among many that are taking off and NDM has had a big impact on them both for positive reasons and negative reasons. Personally, I think NDM has propelled streaming to such a level that it is dominating the market but also keeping industries alive and as I have said further up streaming services seem to be the way forward.
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